Search For flavor In Quotes 36

I made a Christmas album a couple of years ago and just put it out on my Web site. It kind of smacked of this flavor. All of the reviews said it was Western swing even when it was Christmas standards.

Southern political personalities like sweet corn travel badly. They lose flavor with every hundred yards away from the patch. By the time they reach New York they are like Golden Bantam that has been trucked up from Texas - stale and unprofitable. The consumer forgets that the corn tastes different where it grows.

Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner.

A guy as great as Brett Favre has been for the length of time he's been you would hope that he would be able to leave the game with a positive flavor in his mouth.

Variety's the very spice of life That gives it all its flavor.

If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor.

I had a stick of CareFree gum but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble but as soon as the gum lost its flavor I was back to pondering my mortality.

In France today people no longer eat as much heavy food and fat as they did 15 or 20 years ago. These days French cooking through the influence of 'grande cuisine ' has become a bit lighter. And we are beginning to discover the original flavors of our produce.

The simpler the food the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is you're eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. It's very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself.

We got Martha Stewart legitimizing homemaking for her generation and then there's this return to being interested in all things home lifestyle and food again. I think this generation is less about the frills and more about the flavor of things.