Search For films In Quotes 232

I'd like to believe that the people that have supported me in my work or identified with me in films the people that feel they know me they do and they don't have misconceptions - they understand. I believe that.

Most films seem to be about a man and a women falling in love at some point and once you pass forty-five it's almost disgusting to fall in love.

Even if there are a lot women in films there are few who are lesbians that people know about.

And if there was one title that could be applied to all my films it would be 'Civil War' - not civil war in the way we know it but the daily war that goes on between us all.

With Vietnam the Iraq War so many American films about war are almost always from the American point of view. You almost never have a Middle Eastern character by name with a story.

Well first of all making films is a collaborative process. You need people. You need people you trust and love and who are your friends. People you can work with.

And as I've gotten deeper into the process of making films and television and such I think I have more trust in the fact that you really never know what you're going to find after the twenty-fifth take.

Everybody thinks making films back to back is a big deal but they did it all the time in the old days.

I really liked 'Starter For Ten' because I grew up watching 1980s teen films like 'St. Elmo's Fire' and 'The Breakfast Club' and I've always wanted to play the underdog lead hero in a 1980s-inspired film.

Well in our industry it's that the movies cost so much money to make they have to appeal to a broad audience. And I think that's part of what will loosen up in the future as technology makes it cheaper you'll be able to make films for a more selective audience. I think people will be able to make more personal movies.

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Actually I think Art lies in both directions - the broad strokes big picture but on the other hand the minute examination of the apparently mundane. Seeing the whole world in a grain of sand that kind of thing.