Search For filming In Quotes 13

I've also just finished filming the role of Robert Brown in 'Just William ' which is due to transmit on BBC One at Christmas.

I use filming as an excuse to take classes. I got my certification in sailing for 'Wedding Crashers ' and now I can handle a 26-foot boat. I played a seamstress once so I took sewing classes. I love dipping into these other lives.

Filming 'Eclipse' - Eclipse was my favorite book so I was really excited to start filming the movie. I just love that it's the height of the love triangle. 'Twilight' develops Edward and Bella's relationship 'New Moon' develops Jacob and Bella's and in 'Eclipse ' the three of them are physically together.

Making movies was more a reaction to not being chosen for sports. Other kids were out there playing at whatever I was off making something blow up and filming it or making a mould of my sister's head using alginating plaster.

Well physically preparing for the role definitely and then continuing to stay physically fit throughout filming getting up 4.00 4.30 in the morning.

The four of us couldn't have made a record with the time left over when we were shooting the show. We were on stage from 7.30 in the morning 'til 7 at night. Later on when there was a break from filming and we were sick of doing it the old way.

It's not just about filming you go to awards and interviews too. I enjoy all of it even learning my lines!

When we were filming 'The Darkest Hour ' we didn't even know what the aliens were going to look like we didn't even have a graphic reference. So it was definitely a big challenge to sell those kind of extreme moments when you're just generating them from your own imagination.

In terms of filming yes it really does feel over now. There's a real sense of freedom now. It's a good time to finish I think. As much as I'm going to miss it I'm ready to move on and do different things.

I got into shape because I took kick-boxing lessons every day to prepare for a fight scene with Taylor Lautner. I really wanted to lie down and eat Chinese food but I kick-boxed every morning and ran. If someone was filming you with your kit off you'd do the same thing.