Search For figuring In Quotes 15

We're in this transition period of figuring out how to deal with all the new technology that is out there but television still proves to be the granddaddy of them all.

I'd think 'In a relationship we should never have his kind of fight.' Then instead of figuring out how to make it work I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is you shouldn't be married if your that kind of person.

The world is really figuring BSE out and that's positive.

I like figuring out where I need to be mentally so that I'm not thinking about the camera and that it's second nature. I want to get to a place where I can exist within the confines of what you can do with filmmaking and not have to think about it.

If it were the Clinton people they'd be sitting around figuring out how to pull themselves out. Instead the president is continuing to go around the country and peddling Social Security which the needle is not moving on.

I've been heartbroken. I've broken hearts. That's part of life and its part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner.

Daddy was real gentle with kids. That's why I expected so much out of marriage figuring that all men should be steady and pleasant.

Learning what you don't want to do is pretty valuable it may be as valuable as figuring out what it is you do want to do.

You travel with the hope that something unexpected will happen. It has to do with enjoying being lost and figuring it out and the satisfaction. I always get a little disappointed when I know too well where I'm going or when I've lived in a place so long that there's no chance I could possibly get lost.

Kids are meeting in coffee shops and basements figuring out what's unsustainable in their communities. That's the future.