Search For fascinated In Quotes 43

After a lifetime of world travel I've been fascinated that those in the third world don't have the same perception of reality that we do.

I'm so fascinated by the concept of teen pregnancy for some reason. Not that I condone it or promote it but it's just a very real thing in our country and culture.

I was very much fascinated with the technology we had that we could edit in the computer our compositions but all the sounds that were available on the market were crap.

Technology is a wonderful tool but also if used incorrectly a horrible tool. We're fascinated by all aspects of it whatever makes our human lives easier on the planet but eventually there will have to be some sort of merger. The fascination isn't going to die down.

I am fascinated by all the new technology that creates places for us to meet in what is called cyberspace. I understand what it must have meant for the rebellions in the 19th century especially in 1830 and 1848 when the mass circulated newspaper became so important for the spreading of information.

As a kid I was fascinated with sports and I loved sports more than anything else. The first books I read were about sports like books about Baseball Joe as one baseball hero was called.

Louie and Seabiscuit were both Californians and both on the sports pages in the 1930s. I was fascinated. When I learned about his World War II experiences I thought 'If this guy is still alive I want to meet him.'

I was born in 1950 and watched science fiction and horror movies on TV and was always really fascinated by them.

I would love to photograph Stephen Hawking. I am just fascinated by science I really am.

I had read tons of science fiction. I was fascinated by other worlds other environments. For me it was fantasy but it was not fantasy in the sense of pure escapism.