Search For fancy In Quotes 46

We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.

I don't know why you use a fancy French word like detente when there's a good English phrase for it - cold war.

Buonaparte has often made his boast that our fleet would be worn out by keeping the sea and that his was kept in order and increasing by staying in port but know he finds I fancy if Emperors hear the truth that his fleet suffers more in a night than ours in one year.

We live in the country. I'm a redneck. No ha-ha. I live in L.A. County but more in the hills. Not in the fancy kind! Trust me whatever you do you do not want to come to my neighborhood!

We deceive ourselves when we fancy that only weakness needs support. Strength needs it far more.

Women's sports is still in its infancy. The beginning of women's sports in the United States started in 1972 with the passage of Title 9 for girls to finally get athletic scholarships.

I know that some endeavor to throw the mantle of romance over the subject and treat woman like some ideal existence not liable to the ills of life. Let those deal in fancy who have nothing better to deal in we have to do with sober sad realities with stubborn facts.

Don't ever know who you may meet or just because a person may not be dressed up all fancy don't mean they're not an important person. You just don't ever know who you're gonna meet in life. So that's why I look at everybody as equal. Can't just judge. I treat everybody with respect. Every man.

The power of daring anything their fancy suggest as always been conceded to the painter and the poet.

I don't fancy myself a political commentator. I hate politics. I hate it.