Search For fairly In Quotes 49

Any successful nominee should possess both the temperament to interpret the law and the wisdom to do so fairly. The next Supreme Court Justice should have a record of protecting individual rights and a strong willingness to put aside any political agenda.

My family is almost exactly like the one in 'Monsoon Wedding'. We are very open fairly liberal loud people.

We can for example be fairly confident that either there will be a world without war or there won't be a world - at least a world inhabited by creatures other than bacteria and beetles with some scattering of others.

Whether if soul did not exist time would exist or not is a question that may fairly be asked for if there cannot be someone to count there cannot be anything that can be counted so that evidently there cannot be number for number is either what has been or what can be counted.

A fairly bright boy is far more intelligent and far better company than the average adult.

There is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. They deserve in my judgment partnership benefits. They deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to adoption and immigration.

The only person who had any control was Jonathan Harris. His character was so flamboyant that he was able to make things happen. My character was fairly one-dimensional so I had my relationship with Dr. Smith and with the family.

They've been fairly positive as firm as they could be in regards to the derivatives operations in Montreal. We didn't sense that there was a hesitation about it. But things change.

For instance I'm always fascinated to see whether given the kind of fairly known and established form called popular music whether there is some magic combination that nobody has hit upon before.

I like to think of myself as a fairly educated human being but I'm a very uneducated actor when it comes to movies directors producers actors for that matter.

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My government you can be assured will be less focused on personalities. It is about treating people with respect. I think complaining about the community not being able to see the wisdom of our ideas is the wrong approach.