Search For explore In Quotes 65

I feel there is something unexplored about woman that only a woman can explore.

I'm interested in trying to explore what I think is the truth at a given time in my life and part of the process of being honest is - in my mind - talking about the idea that you're watching a movie. You're sitting here watching a movie. And I like that. It appeals to me intellectually and also in a way I can't even explain.

We must go beyond textbooks go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.

The attention of a traveller should be particularly turned in the first place to the various works of Nature to mark the distinctions of the climates he may explore and to offer such useful observations on the different productions as may occur.

Working on 'Gossip Girl' was a fantastic experience. It was my first real gig and I'm thankful for it - I got to learn a lot. I'm glad I got to explore getting comfortable in my own shoes in the background on a show like 'Gossip Girl.'

CRATEL is a center with a two-fold mission - to explore technology as an expressive element and to use technology to bridge gaps between diverse groups of people.

I would like to see the technology used to explore more period horror genre works for example E. A. Poe.

To explore technology for me is something that I have to do. Otherwise I feel completely left in the back... abandoned.

When I did 'Battlestar Galactica' it was the first time I really understood science fiction. That was a very political drama but set in spaceships so people didn't really take it seriously. But some really fascinating things were explored in that.

Change is the principal feature of our age and literature should explore how people deal with it. The best science fiction does that head-on.

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What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority ' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?