Search For expert In Quotes 60

The Obama administration believes in experts and blue-ribbon panels. They believe in creating new agencies and boards. They believe in all that but they just don't trust the entrepreneur's ability to grow her own business and to create jobs.

On the other hand there would be some value in different folks getting together to share expertise and technology but to the listener it wouldn't necessarily seem like a single station in the traditional sense.

For the blue-collar worker the driving force behind change was factory automation using programmable machine tools. For the office worker it's office automation using computer technology: enterprise-resource-planning systems groupware intranets extranets expert systems the Web and e-commerce.

We expert teachers know that motivation and emotional impact are what matter.

When you have a background in combat sports people think you're this martial arts expert but really I'm just a guy who is able to do certain things without making a mess of himself.

One of the problems we've had is that the ICT curriculum in the past has been written for a subject that is changing all the time. I think that what we should have is computer science in the future - and how it fits in to the curriculum is something we need to be talking to scientists to experts in coding and to young people about.

I'm not a relationship expert. I'm an expert on manhood.

I'm not really a relationship expert but ...I'm an expert on manhood and what men think.

So the experts think we could have an AIDS-free generation in Africa by 2015 even if the mothers are positive.

I'm no expert on American politics.