Search For ethnic In Quotes 44

People identify with me - everyone does - African American women Caucasian women they all identify with me because I'm ethnic.

There was no instruction to be thankful that the Christians were special people chosen people. There was no nationalistic political or ethnic superiority to be thankful for.

Social cohesion was built into language long before Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter - we're tribal by nature. Tribes today aren't the same as tribes thousand of years ago: It isn't just religious tribes or ethnic tribes now: It's sports fans it's communities it's geography.

Ethnic prejudice has no place in sports and baseball must recognize that truth if it is to maintain stature as a national game.

The idea is we're still a society where we recognize and see and even sometimes seek members of our own tribe whatever that tribe is. It could be ethnic religious geographic political.

And nothing embittered me which is important because I think ethnic people and women in this society can end up being embittered because of the lack of affirmative action you know.

Because we believe that our ethnic group our society our political party our God is better than your God we kill each other.

There was a time when someone would get on a plane and request to move their seat just because the person sitting next to them was of a different ethnicity or religion or nationality. But I don't think my generation wants that. That's how it used to be.

I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.

A great power has to have the discipline not only to go when necessary but to know when not to go. Getting involved in ethnic religious civil wars is a recipe for disaster.