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Denial exists because human infants though equipped with trust-o-meters are built to trust blindly and absolutely any older person who wanders past.

If we as a nation are to break the cycle of poverty crime and the growing underclass of young people ill equipped to be productive citizens we need to not only implement effective programs to prevent teen pregnancy but we must also help those who have already given birth so that they become effective nurturing bonding parents.

I wanted to be a pilot. I loved flying and I loved all the technology and the equipment and the sense of adventure that came with it. I think that feeling still bleeds over into everything I do today.

I don't know concretely if it's due to superstition but any time a new rule is implemented into the NBA or a new piece of equipment or a new technology there is always a transition and adjustment period by players and coaches and anyone involved with the game.

Kids need to be equipped for that. They need to learn to use that technology to keep the new economy going.

We have the new greatest generation. We don't need as large a military due to the technology we have the equipment we have outfitting our personnel. They really are storm troopers.

I was using tape loops for dancers and dance production. I had very funky primitive equipment in fact technology wasn't very good no matter how much money you had.

The U.S. government knew that China wanted to acquire sensitive U.S. technology and instead of implementing a policy to prevent them from acquiring the information the government all but gave them an invitation to take our equipment and designs.

A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I'm using 15 000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that.

We've got to demonstrate why European unity and integration our vast single market our single currency equip us with the strength to embrace globalization.