Search For envelope In Quotes 12

You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that.

What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in silence to be the last of your people to speak your native tongue to have no way to pass on the wisdom of the elders to anticipate the promise of the children. This tragic fate is indeed the plight of someone somewhere roughly every two weeks.

I love the 3D revolution. I love the technology today that continues to push the envelope continues break the new ground and continues to raise the bar.

When I first started working in politics as a junior aide on Walter Mondale's 1984 presidential campaign it never occurred to me that I would one day work in the White House. There were plenty of women among the volunteers who stuffed envelopes and walked precincts. But there were fewer and fewer on each successive level of influence and access.

I sat with him for three hours and we did not exchange a single word. At the end he handed me as he had done before an envelope with money in it. It would have been much nicer if he had enclosed a greeting or a loving word. I would have been so pleased if he had.

For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get themselves filed.

We're starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations and you can also have your own style personality and sense of humor because now we're allowed to.

People who know me know I have a sense of humor that can really push the envelope.

Truth is not a matter of fact but a state of harmony with progress and hope. Enveloped only in its wings will we ever soar to the promise of our greater selves.

The social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and ignorance which envelope our future.

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And I come here as a daughter raised on the South Side of Chicago - by a father who was a blue-collar city worker and a mother who stayed at home with my brother and me.