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I frankly don't think it's going to be a successful war on terrorism until law enforcement agencies like the FBI are willing to share with other law enforcement agencies. If they can't share information there's no way this war can be won.

No one ever said that fighting the war against terrorism and defending our homeland would be easy. So let's support our troops law enforcement workers and our mission to keep our nation and our children safe in the days and years to come.

Above all I would teach him to tell the truth Truth-telling I have found is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar.

Racial profiling punishes innocent individuals for the past actions of those who look and sound like them. It misdirects crucial resources and undercuts the trust needed between law enforcement and the communities they serve. It has no place in our national discourse and no place in our nation's police departments.

Ours is the century of enforced travel of disappearances. The century of people helplessly seeing others who were close to them disappear over the horizon.

With existing technology we can enforce airport security without sacrificing our personal privacy.

We must safely secure our border by investing in more law enforcement and technology and receiving cooperation from the Mexican government.

The recent fascination I think reflects the shift in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace technology as wholeheartedly as the rest of the world.

What we're doing is making sure that we have a safe and secure border region from San Diego all the way to Brownsville. And that means manpower it means technology it means infrastructure it means interior enforcement. All you know kind of layered in appropriate ways and making sure like I said before the border is safe and secure.

But my view is that you need a system at the border. You need some fencing but you need technology. You need boots on the ground. And then you need to have interior enforcement of our nation's immigration laws inside the country. And that means dealing with the employers who still consistently hire illegal labor.