Search For empowering In Quotes 13

Reclaiming the word 'fat' was the most empowering step in my progress. I stopped using it for insult or degradation and instead replaced it with truth because the truth is that I am fat and that's ok. So now when someone calls me fat I agree whereas before I would get embarrassed and emotional.

A lot of songs are empowering because everybody who has been through a hard time in a relationship or in their lives can relate to it.

The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner the creator of the universe loves you sent His Son to die for your sins that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.

Since I've been in Playboy myself in Australia I love it and I think it's really empowering and positive towards women which is not a view that many women hold.

I was raised in Boston by three older brothers and a very strong and empowering single mom.

Being a mom's so empowering and incredible. I'm one of those people who believes that life brings things to you at a certain time for a certain reason and if you just go with it that's where the best moments come from.

I'm happy to be helping people that are passionate about empowering parents for student learning.

Conservatism is not about leaving people behind. Conservatism is about empowering people to catch up to give them the tools at their disposable that make it possible for them to access all the hope all the promise all the opportunity that America offers. And our programs to help them should reflect that.

Forgiveness is about empowering yourself rather than empowering your past.

If you feel rooted in your home and family if you're active in your community there's nothing more empowering. The best way to make a difference in the world is to start by making a difference in your own life.