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Consider what a romantic expedition you are on take notes.

The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.

I published privately a collection of my serious poetry I had written over the years. I only published 50 copies which I gave to friends in a special deluxe edition. It was ridiculously expensive but I'm glad that I did it.

Nobody climbs mountains for scientific reasons. Science is used to raise money for the expeditions but you really climb for the hell of it.

I grew up in the '80s and there was no bigger group than New Edition in R&B. I broke my piggy bank so me and my mom could go to a New Edition concert together.

I should have no objection to go over the same life from its beginning to the end: requesting only the advantage authors have of correcting in a second edition the faults of the first.

The negative cost of Lewis and Clark entering the Garden of Eden is that later expeditions regardless of what they were intended to do later expeditions did not deal with the native peoples with the intelligence with the almost kindly resolve that Lewis and Clark did.

Writing a novel is not merely going on a shopping expedition across the border to an unreal land: it is hours and years spent in the factories the streets the cathedrals of the imagination.

For my wrap present Colin Farrell gave me a first edition book. I got so involved with this character and I was so sad when the movie was over that when I got home and I tried to read the book I got really emotional and I started crying.

Actually criminal sanctions that are given could be up to five years for violating the rules and regulations under the campaign finance reform. This is like the Alien and Sedition Act of years and years ago decades ago.