Search For edged In Quotes 27

The natural superiority of women is a biological fact and a socially acknowledged reality.

In the last few years the very idea of telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort when the alternative options of deception threat and bribery have all been exhausted.

I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.

All sympathy not consistent with acknowledged virtue is but disguised selfishness.

Congress acknowledged that society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.

Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.

Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

He would see civilization in danger of perishing under the oppression of a gigantic paradox: he would see multitudes of people starving in the midst of plenty and nations preparing for war although pledged to peace.

The basic problem with my love relationships with women is that my standards are so high - and they apply equally to both of us. I seek full-blast mutual intensity fully fledged mutual acceptance full-blown mutual flourishing and fully felt peace and joy with each other. This requires a level of physical attraction personal adoration and moral admiration that is hard to find.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

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In the business world today failure is apparently not an option. We need to change this attitude toward failure - and celebrate the idea that only by falling on our collective business faces do we learn enough to succeed down the road.