Search For drama In Quotes 176

My favorite play in drama school was 'The Bacchae.' It's about a king who literally gets eaten alive by all the women in the play in a kind of orgy - it's related to the word 'bacchanal' - and I loved that idea of animalistic chaos and following our own desires.

I want the big drama. I always said I don't want a wedding I want a parade.

When you do a drama you are challenged to trust your inner voice much more. Because when you put a comedy in front of even a 25-person screening you know whether it's working or not. The barometer is overt.

If you try to bring 'teen drama ' you end up doing nothing but pouting.

Teen drug use went up dramatically in the 1990s.

If it wasn't for my drama teacher I wouldn't be here right now.

I got into acting my junior year of high school. We got a new hot drama teacher and I was like 'Alright I'll try drama.'

I had a great drama teacher and he sort of made out drama school as this incredibly difficult thing to get into: 6 000 people apply every year and some of the schools only have 12 places. It's a phenomenally difficult thing to get into. And that excited me - I wanted that challenge.

Before I got Doctor Who I went to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I went back to take the final grade exam which is the grade you have to take before you can take the teacher's diploma.

I wasn't originally taking drama but the drama teacher asked me to audition for Bye Bye Birdie. I did and got the lead role. Initially I was kind of scared but once I did it I got bitten by the bug and loved it.

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Well when I was a little girl we had 17 cats once. They all lived outside and they kept having more kittens. My mom made us put little ribbons around each kitten's neck put them in a wagon and go door-to-door around the neighborhood to try to give them away.