Search For donald In Quotes 18

Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.

I had a great first year and Mr. MacDonald was my biggest supporter. He gave me the encouragement I needed that first year to get my career started on a positive note.

I was made to believe there was a plan in place for ending Donald's previous marriage. I pulled away because I wanted to allow him the time to deal with his wife.

You have the right to kill me but you don't have the right to judge me. That's life. There's nobility in that. There's focus. It's genuine. It's crystal and it's pure and it's available to everybody so just shut your traps and put down your McDonalds your vaccines your Us Weekly your TMZ and the rest of it.

I can pretty much live without fast food. I haven't eaten McDonald's in so long but it's okay.

We cover hamburgers chicken veggie burgers salads we've got a pretty broad range. To me McDonald's isn't only about the food. It's about the prices it's about the way we eat.

Since I've been pregnant I've lost my taste for fast food. I used to be the biggest McDonald's junkie and now I don't like it anymore. I used to be the biggest fast-food connoisseur and now I've really lost my taste for it.

In corn I think I've found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast-food meal a McDonald's meal virtually all the carbon in it - and what we eat is mostly carbon - comes from corn.

One of the glories of New York is its ethnic food and only McDonald's and Burger King equalize us all.

I haven't eaten at a McDonald's since I became President.

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To me the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg as a person as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style the way all the players dressed nice you know kept their hair looking good drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.