Search For dominion In Quotes 12

The world dominion of western thought forms of organisation technology and military force is not God-given nor eternal nor greatly appreciated by the rest of the world.

To have dominion by religion is to have dominion over men's souls thus over their very spiritual life and to use the Divine things which are in their religion as the means.

Your real self - the 'I am I' - is master of this land the ruler of this empire. You rightfully have power and dominion over it all its inhabitants and all contained in its realm.

Nothing is more gratifying to the mind of man than power or dominion.

It is in war that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power in number in pride in absolute dominion over the economy and the society.

To-day it appears as though it may well be altogether abolished in the future as it has to some extent been mitigated in the past by the unceasing and as it now appears unlimited ascent of man to knowledge and through knowledge to physical power and dominion over Nature.

I would rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent than in the extent of my powers and dominion.

I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent than in the extent of my power and dominion.

Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God.

A God without dominion providence and final causes is nothing else but fate and nature.

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For over 15 years through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy the Federal Government has been a solid partner working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal.