Search For domestic In Quotes 47

The real theater of the sex war is the domestic hearth.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.

Domestic travel and tourism-related spending has reached $1 trillion a year.

I was sent to a finishing school which didn't last long when mother found out how badly chaperoned we were. Then I 'came out' before going to a domestic science school.

Thousands of years ago humans domesticated every possible large wild mammal species fulfilling all those criteria and worth domesticating with the result that there have been no valuable additions of domestic animals in recent times despite the efforts of modern science.

Religion did not exist for the saving of souls but for the preservation and welfare of society and in all that was necessary to this end every man had to take his part or break with the domestic and political community to which he belonged.

The only country where you see any positive movement within domestic consumption is Brazil where you really do have a variety of coffees to make blends with.

No money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction.

My mother worked in factories worked as a domestic worked in a restaurant always had a second job.

Personally I like two types of men - domestic and foreign.