Search For document In Quotes 47

The Bible is a radically pro-slavery document. Slave owners waved Bibles over their heads in the Civil War and justified it.

I want to do more documentaries and travel to places I haven't been. That is where I think I can be fulfilled.

However we still have the problem of free travel and movement since the Travel Documents issued by UNMIK as the substitute to passports are not fully recognized yet by all countries.

When I found out I had to take off my shirt in 'Teen' movie I panicked and hit the gym. I was like 'It's going to be on film documented for my children to see. I can't be 140 pounds. I need to put on a little bit of muscle.'

The Cox Report documents a systematic well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.

I regard sports first and foremost as entertainment so dry documentary narration is not for me.

My tastes in all things lean towards the arty and boring. I like sports documentaries about Scrabble players bands that play quiet unassuming music and TV shows that win awards. In that way I am an elitist snob.

On 'The Office ' so much of the show is about disguising your true feelings and your romantic feelings because it was a mock documentary.

I think every religious person should have a deep sense of respect for other people's religious documents and religious symbols just as we were deeply opposed to the Taliban destroying the two historic buddhas which they blew up. So I think we ought to all oppose burning the Koran.

The result is - document destruction - we're really not going to be able to prove beyond a truth the negatives and some of the positive conclusions that we're going to come to. There will be always unresolved ambiguity here.

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When you go visiting countries you start reading the history of the place and you start getting into the culture and then you have to leave. In my experience all countries have hidden treasures.