Search For distress In Quotes 22

In all my perplexities and distresses the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.

Let him who expects one class of society to prosper in the highest degree while the other is in distress try whether one side of the face can smile while the other is pinched.

The real man smiles in trouble gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection.

Individual psychotherapy - that is engaging a distressed fellow human in a disciplined conversation and human relationship - requires that the therapist have the proper temperament and philosophy of life for such work. By that I mean that the therapist must be patient modest and a perceptive listener rather than a talker and advice-giver.

I was much distressed by next door people who had twin babies and played the violin but one of the twins died and the other has eaten the fiddle so all is peace.

All the perplexities confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation not from want of honor or virtue so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin credit and circulation.

Want of money and the distress of a thief can never be alleged as the cause of his thieving for many honest people endure greater hardships with fortitude. We must therefore seek the cause elsewhere than in want of money for that is the miser's passion not the thief s.

The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has.

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.

Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are.