Search For disney In Quotes 29

I got the chance to do things that I dreamed of when I was a kid: I got to travel around the world I had my own 'Goosebumps' attraction at Disney World I've been on TV and had three TV series.

The great dream merchant Disney was a success because make-believe was what everyone seemed to need in a spiritually empty land.

Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney homogenized and sold off piece by piece.

Someone's career that I admire would have to be Justin Timberlake's because he started off on Disney and he made this huge film career and huge solo music career. I really respect him as an artist.

There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir= and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist but it definitely is related even in the early Disney.

I couldn't have been happier with the relationship we had with Disney it couldn't have been easier.

We've been able to access deals that under our former relationship with Disney - with tax advantages and strategic partners - that we just weren't able to do.

I love all the old classic Disney movies. 'Pinocchio.' There are obviously tons of them that anybody growing up on that stuff takes with them their whole lives and I'm an admirer of a lot of classic animation and fairy tales. I grew up on a book of Grimm's fairy tales that I kind of wore out again and again. That's all stuff that lingers with you.

I was influenced when I was younger by the cartoon movies that Disney put out like Cinderella and what not. I watched those movies over and over when I was younger and the music is ingrained into my head. Nowadays I'm still humming the tunes. It taught me the fundamentals.

I'm so grateful for what Disney gave me and the experiences that I got but at the end of the day I can do so much more than what I did on that channel and in those movies.