Search For differentiate In Quotes 11

Science is global. Einstein's equation E=mc2 has to reach everywhere. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity we should not distort it. Science does not differentiate between multiple races.

Color is a plastic means of creating intervals... color harmonics produced by special relationships or tensions. We differentiate now between formal tensions and color tensions just as we differentiate in music between counterpoint and harmony.

The thing that differentiates man from animals is money.

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.

The properties which differentiate living matter from any kind of inorganic imitation may be instinctively felt but can hardly be formulated without expert knowledge.

I took three years off. I differentiated myself from the industry. Found my identity - sort of... I haven't graduated yet. I'm not legitimately educated yet but maybe one day.

A trait which differentiated New York from European cities was the incredible freedom and ease in which life including sexual life could be carried on on many levels.

Bahrainis are better off than many other Arabs. We have a welfare state everybody gets a salary whether they have a job or not. Electricity and food are subsidized school and healthcare are free. And we don't differentiate between Bahrainis and foreigners. We are very proud of that.

The functions of the family in a highly differentiated society are not to be interpreted as functions directly on behalf of the society but on behalf of personality.

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.