Search For defence In Quotes 19

Ten years ago U.S. defence investment represented almost half of all defence expenditure in the whole alliance. Today it is 75%. This increasing economic gap may also lead to an increasing technology gap which will almost hamper the inter-operability between our forces.

Strength lies not in defence but in attack.

The human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenceless against ourselves.

Sadness is also a kind of defence.

We will work with industrial or Dept. Of Defence sponsorship as long as we keep our principals of openness firm we're proud to work with the military and they respect that in turn.

So my own suspicion is that the attorney has stopped this prosecution because part of her defence was to question legality and that would have brought his advice into the public domain again and there was something fishy about the way in which he said war was legal.

The home to everyone is to him his castle and fortress as well for his defence against injury and violence as for his repose.

The history of man is the history of crimes and history can repeat. So information is a defence. Through this we can build we must build a defence against repetition.

If you look at things that really affect people's lives - sport the arts charities - they were always at the back of the queue for government money - health social security defence pensions were all way ahead. And each of those areas - sports the arts the lottery - got relatively petty cash from the government.

I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need for government spending cuts in general. I do not share a not in my backyard approach to government spending reductions.