Search For decor In Quotes 32

I don't want to see people decorating a house or digging a garden. As for guys like Jonathan Ross he got an award there last Christmas. What for? He doesn't sing dance or tell jokes does he?

I'm Jewish and my wife isn't so right now we're literally decorating a Christmas tree with Jewish stars draped around it.

My fondest memories are generally the day after Thanksgiving. I get the total decorating Christmas itch.

I love the excess of Christmas. The shopping season that begins in September the bad pop star recordings of Christmas carols the decorations that don't know when to come down.

I love Halloween trick or treating and decorating the house. And I love Thanksgiving because of the football and the fall weather. And of course I love Christmas - that's my favorite of all!

I love Christmas not just because of the presents but because of all the decorations and lights and the warmth of the season.

Charm in most men and nearly all women is a decoration.

I was never a girl who dreamed about what her wedding day would be like but I've always dreamed about decorating my baby's nursery.

Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by what is true is revealed and what is fake fades away.

Without music to decorate it time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.