Search For cutting In Quotes 48

A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.

It's so exciting to be doing radio on the cutting edge of technology. Being in on something new is the biggest thrill in the world.

We have seven pillars of development. India has a cutting edge information technology industry. We are setting up a technology park. We would like to see technology penetration iin education. Besides we would like to see cooperation in industries like fashion filmmaking ship-building education health and energy.

I've been really excited about some new cutting edge electronic music and technology.

The goal for many amputees is no longer to reach a 'natural' level of ability but to exceed it using whatever cutting-edge technology is available. As this new generation sees it our tools are evolving faster than the human body so why obey the limits of mere nature?

Oh I love gadgets and I pride myself on keeping at the cutting edge of technology.

The research rat of the future allows experimentation without manipulation of the real world. This is the cutting edge of modeling technology.

Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society.

I got to spend all of my time every day at work reading and editing papers about cutting-edge technical research and getting paid for it. Then I'd go home at night and turn what I learned into science fiction stories.

Certain people in the United States are driving nails into this structure of our relationship then cutting off the heads. So the Soviets must use their teeth to pull them out.