Search For cowboy In Quotes 12

All I can hope to do is instill great morality in my son and trust him along the way. The music he listens to or how he chooses to wear his hair doesn't define his moral compass and if he wants to listen to country music and wear a cowboy hat too that's fine.

I'm thrilled I'm grateful I'm blessed. I played for the world's greatest professional sports team in history. Once a Dallas Cowboy always a Dallas Cowboy.

I think the Cowboys are one of only two teams in all of sports that engender love and hate to that extreme. The other is the Yankees. You love the Yankees or you hate the Yankees.

I'm not a great science fiction fan myself. I probably feel that way about Westerns. Like I used to play Cowboys and Indians they can act out Will and the Robot.

I always wanted a guitar. I always wanted to be a cowboy singer because I also listened to Hank Williams and he would always sing these neat romantic songs.

I was always raised on cowboy films and then when I could start making choices about the movies I wanted to watch I found myself wanting to watch gangster films which were slightly more sophisticated than the baseline stuff that was in westerns.

I hope my music sets up the platform for me to be able to do lots of things - to have a cowboy-boot line maybe or do a perfume or makeup deal.

When I grew up I only had two dreams. One was to be a cowboy and another was to be in the military. I grew up extremely patriotic and riding horses.

When I was a kid my step dad started this business and would go out and get lost cows and stuff. He was part-time truck driver farmer and cowboy. He taught me how to ride from an early age.

But the reason I became why I wanted to be in the business was because there was Midnight Cowboy.