Search For conversation In Quotes 117

You want people walking away from the conversation with some kernel of wisdom or some kind of impact.

Those who wish well to the State ought to choose to places of trust men of inward principle justified by exemplary conversation.

My interactions with Sorkin were agonisingly weird. He is by far the weirdest person I have ever met. I had dinner with him and a few hours before I got an e-mail from his assistant saying 'Sean this does not need to be a long conversation. Aaron is only going to use it to win your trust.'

Too often travel instead of broadening the mind merely lengthens the conversation.

Travel instead of broadening the mind often merely lengthens the conversation.

We have had a chance to travel to all 56 counties in this state and I have had the chance to sit around with cups of coffee and having conversations about what matters to Montanans.

Prior to being allowed to enter the profession prospective teachers should be asked to talk with a group of friendly students for at least half an hour and be able to engage them in an interesting conversation about any subject the prospective teacher wants to talk about.

The water cooler conversation in every job I've had is sports it's what did you do this weekend it's 'How are your parents doing?'

We sat around on a hotel balcony with a bottle of wine and tried to figure out how you would go about blowing up a planet. That's the kind of conversations science fiction writers have when they get together. We don't talk about football or anything like that.

It was a long time in the making my divorce. One day became less special than the next and pretty soon we ceased all conversation. It is a sad day when you have nothing left to say.