Search For contemplation In Quotes 17

Contemplation and wisdom are highest achievements and man is not totally at home with them.

Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life contemplation meditation.

Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation philosophy religion.

If you are of the opinion that the contemplation of suicide is sufficient evidence of a poetic nature do not forget that actions speak louder than words.

He had read much if one considers his long life but his contemplation was much more than his reading. He was wont to say that if he had read as much as other men he should have known no more than other men.

All women have a perception much more developed than men. So all women somehow being repressed for so many millennia they ended up by developing this sixth sense and contemplation and love. And this is something that we have a hard time to accept as part of our society.

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.

An art aims above all at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings but the organ of pure contemplation our imagination.

The mysteries of faith are degraded if they are made into an object of affirmation and negation when in reality they should be an object of contemplation.

Few people even scratch the surface much less exhaust the contemplation of their own experience.