Search For consideration In Quotes 42

The problem with not having a camera is that one must trust the analysis of a reporter who's telling you what occurred in the courtroom. You have to take into consideration the filtering effect of that person's own biases.

Trust and belief are two prime considerations. You must not allow yourself to be opinionated.

Within the hearts men loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.

Nations are equal in respect to each other and entitled to claim equal consideration for their rights whatever may be their relative dimensions or strength or however greatly they may differ in government religion or manners.

Let us have but one end in view the welfare of humanity and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language nationality or religion.

Recounting of a life story a mind thinking aloud leads one inevitably to the consideration of problems which are no longer psychological but spiritual.

It is always a disappointment to turn from forthright consideration of some subject - whether from the Left or the Right a poet or a plumber - to the Beltway version in which the only aspects of the issue that matter are the effects it will have on the fortunes of the two parties and the various men in power.

I am not unconscious of the persuasive power exerted by these considerations to drag men along in the current but I am not at liberty to travel that road.

Eulogy. Praise of a person who has either the advantages of wealth and power or the consideration to be dead.

In politics it seems retreat is honorable if dictated by military considerations and shameful if even suggested for ethical reasons.

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