Search For conscience In Quotes 99

Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit instigate brutal life and death struggles destroy a society's tolerance and humanity and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.

It was my duty to shoot the enemy and I don't regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn't save: Marines soldiers buddies. I'm not naive and I don't romanticize war. The worst moments of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing my job.

War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves.

Remember as long as you live that nothing but strict truth can carry you through the world with either your conscience or your honor unwounded.

When it's time for me to walk away from something I walk away from it. My mind my body my conscience tell me that enough is enough.

The sole and basic source of our strength is the solidarity of workers peasants and the intelligentsia the solidarity of the nation the solidarity of people who seek to live in dignity truth and in harmony with their conscience.

Conscience is a coward and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.

As far as a truly radical conscience you have to take it as part of a larger thing that it was sort of historical inevitability that with the coming of a leaguer society people would start to use drugs a lot more then they had before.

Deep down the US with its space its technological refinement its bluff good conscience even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation is the only remaining primitive society.

The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.