Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere. It's a result of something... hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
Even back then I exuded self-confidence and that drives women crazy.
The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.
When I meet large women who walk with confidence and are articulate and really have an understanding of how they walk in this world I love them so deeply for being able to overcome such unbelievable odds.
I thought I was attractive when I shot 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding.' Studio executives and movie reviewers let me know I had a confidence in my looks that was not shared by them.
Confidence and superiority: It's the usual fundamentalist stuff: I've got the truth and you haven't.
Give me your trust and confidence knowing that what I seek is for the good of Fiji for the good of us all.
Gentlemen I fervently trust that before long the principle of arbitration may win such confidence as to justify its extension to a wider field of international differences.
Our cattlemen have given us the safest most abundant most affordable beef supply in the world and I trust their judgment. And if you look at consumer confidence in this country so does the American public.