Search For compliment In Quotes 28

The flowery style is not unsuitable to public speeches or addresses which amount only to compliment. The lighter beauties are in their place when there is nothing more solid to say but the flowery style ought to be banished from a pleading a sermon or a didactic work.

Women are so much in love with compliments that rather than want them they will compliment one another yet mean no more by it than the men do.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.

I'm really thankful and complimented when people come to me and say thank you for the great times for all these years. But I don't think about it as being a leader.

Most people compliment me on maintaining my femininity while I'm on the court. People like the fact that I model. My fans or little girls always say they want to play sports but also want to be a model like me and I think that's great.

If people did not compliment one another there would be little society.

A simple compliment goes a really long way - for a guy to just come over and say 'You have great hair' or 'I really like your dress ' and then just smile and walk away. That's a great move because he's sort of putting himself out there by doing that but it won't lead to any embarrassment if the girl isn't interested.

Lying has a kind of respect and reverence with it. We pay a person the compliment of acknowledging his superiority whenever we lie to him.

There's a weird cloud around you when you're recognizable. It was a brief window for me. I think you have to have a pathological need for attention of any type negative or positive to thrive in that kind of situation. And I only want compliments.

Even though now I'm pretty popular in my country and tennis is the No. 1 sport and I'm very flattered that the people recognise me and come up and give me compliments I'm more a person who likes to have privacy and peace.

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For 'Around the World in 80 Plates' we got to travel all over having what was like a cross between a culinary competition and races. And in each country we had a chef Ambassador. We went to London Barcelona Bologna Hong Kong Thailand Morocco... It was amazing.