Search For closer In Quotes 61

The audience is the best judge of anything. They cannot be lied to. Truth brings them closer. A moment that lags - they're gonna cough.

Comedy is a way to make sense of chaos. It's a way of dealing with things that are overwhelming that threaten you it's a way to survive and get closer to the truth.

As time goes on we get closer to that American Dream of there being a pie cut up and shared. Usually greed and selfishness prevent that and there is always one bad apple in every barrel.

I'm equally guilty of using technology - I Twitter I text people I chat. But I think there's something strangely insidious about it that it makes us think we're closer when in fact we're not seeing each other we're not connecting.

Joy's smile is much closer to tears than laughter.

Of the two I would think of my work as closer to Science Fiction than Fantasy.

If we don't make earnest moves toward real solutions then each day we move one day closer to revolution and anarchy in this country. This is the sad and yet potentially joyous state of America.

Romantic music really stirs my soul. And of course I love Chinese music it makes me feel closer to home.

Such an arrangement would provide Taiwan and China with a forum for dialogue whereby they may forge closer ties based on mutual understanding and respect leading to permanent peace in the Taiwan Strait.

Religion promotes the divine discontent within oneself so that one tries to make oneself a better person and draw oneself closer to God.