Search For chord In Quotes 19

Three chords and the truth - that's what a country song is.

Trust me the only real way to understand 'Chic' is in highfalutin terms. Our chord progressions were based on European modal melodies. I made those early 'Chic' records to impress my jazz friends.

Well the country songs themselves are three-chord stories ballads which are mostly sad. If you are already feeling sorry for yourself when you listen to them they will take you to an even sadder place.

It was R.E.M. who showed other Eighties bands how to get away with ignoring the rules - they lived in some weird town nobody never heard of they didn't play power chords they probably couldn't even spell 'spandex.' All they had was songs.

Conversation may be compared to a lyre with seven chords - philosophy art poetry love scandal and the weather.

I don't write poetry and then strum some chords and then fit the words on top of the chords.

I came into music because I thought the presentation of poetry wasn't vibrant enough. So I merged improvised poetry with basic rock chords.

Country music is three chords and the truth.

I think there's nothing better than seeing a three-chord straight up rock 'n' roll band in your face with sweaty music and three minute good songs.

You just pick up a chord go twang and you're got music.

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People ask 'How does doing a film compare to doing an ad?' Well when you're doing a commercial you don't have to sell tickets. You have a captured audience. Which is actually completely rare and great it gives you a lot of freedom. When you make a film you have to do advertisements for the film.