Search For china In Quotes 91

There are people who cannot forget as neither do I the lesson of the years of the Indochina War. Which was first that the state is capable of being a murderer. A mass murderer and a conspirator and a liar.

Although my book is banned I am still allowed to go to China and travel. There is no longer the kind of control that Mao used to have-there have been deep fundamental changes in society.

The thing about Hemingway that people forget is that all the stuff he did was at a time where people weren't traveling that much. At 19 he travels to Italy. He goes to the Spanish Civil War. He goes to China he goes to Africa so at that time to travel that much is really incredible.

I liked being a teenager but I would not go back for all the tea in China.

Daoist thought is the root of science and technology in China.

The demographic weight of countries such as China and India exercise a massive pressure on our wages and salaries. They have accomplished massive technological advances and the revolution in information technology has reduced the costs of transport.

The People's Republic of China has not yet reached the military might of the Soviet Empire. It requires a little more time and a little more infusion of Western aid loans technology and the hard currency of our tourists.

The committee's finding that China stole sensitive technology from U.S. weapons research labs is alarming.

The U.S. government knew that China wanted to acquire sensitive U.S. technology and instead of implementing a policy to prevent them from acquiring the information the government all but gave them an invitation to take our equipment and designs.

I've gone to China bought a manufacturing company and moved it to America. Now China wants to buy back some of that new technology from me. That's a great story for America.

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Music is one of those things that is constantly going in my head all the time. It's sort of like the evolution and creation of doing food or my philosophy about wine. It's always beating in my head so it keeps the spirit moving.