Search For casual In Quotes 33

People always complain 'you never invited me to your wedding' but I prefer casual weddings.

For the sake of the troops for the love of the troops we must not add yet another casualty to this war. We must not let truth be a casualty of this war.

It is well known that in war the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda.

You might hold an ethical position that it's wrong to lie but if you have plans for a war in Iraq and you want to keep them secret for practical reasons - to reduce casualties perhaps - and someone asks you about those plans you may need to lie for a 'good' outcome.

The first casualty when war comes is truth.

We've protected thousands of people in Libya we have not seen a single U.S. casualty there's no risks of additional escalation. This operation is limited in time and in scope.

My father also happened to be an intellectual as learned literate informed and curious as anyone I have known. Unobtrusively and casually he was my wise and gentle teacher.

I've been married before but I've never had my dream wedding in Vegas. I wanted to do it there because it's casual quick not religious and most of all very romantic.

We've become much more casual and much more relaxed in social interactions where there was a formality and maybe a kind of respect at that time that doesn't exist now.

You can't be a casual observer of something humorous - you have to engage you have to find it funny for the relationship between actor and audience to work.

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Yesterday December seventh 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.