Search For cartoon In Quotes 38

I had a great movement teacher - he showed me how to walk so I wasn't becoming like a cartoon.

There was a teacher who recognized that I was interested in cartooning and he was great.

They weren't impatient for the boys to turn into cartoons again. They awarded sympathy gave compassion. Because deep down they had found parts of themselves in the characters. You said it George.

When I did sports cartoons I used to uh go to fights.

It's a sad day when a cartoon is doing more and cares more and pays more attention to the environment than our president.

There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir= and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist but it definitely is related even in the early Disney.

All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.

I was influenced when I was younger by the cartoon movies that Disney put out like Cinderella and what not. I watched those movies over and over when I was younger and the music is ingrained into my head. Nowadays I'm still humming the tunes. It taught me the fundamentals.

I write plays and movies I live and work at the borderline between word and image just as any cartoonist or illustrator does. I'm not a pure writer. I use words as the score for kinetic imagistic representations.

Homey don't quit. What else are you gonna do? It's like those guys in the cartoon they get up in the morning check the clock and fight all day and after it's over they check the clock and go home. That's how it goes.

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It sounds funny but the 2008 Olympics were something that just kind of happened and I was lucky they came at a point when I was uninjured and well prepared. As a gymnast you can't ask for much more.