Search For cardio In Quotes 11

My workouts include aerobic exercise for a healthy cardiovascular system strength training to maintain muscle tone and bone density core strength exercise for a stable mid-section and stretching to maintain mobility.

I do a dance-based cardio workout infused with circuit training and emphasizing strength and alignment.

I have to wear two sports bras when I do my cardio. It takes a lot to hold these puppies up!

If you do cardio one day and the next day you can do weights do it that way. If you need to do it at night or in the morning do it that way. Whatever you need to get it done just get it done.

Part of my training was learning how to refer patients to cardiologists for heart problems gastroenterologists for stomach issues and rheumatologists for joint pain. Given that most physicians were trained this way it's no wonder that the average Medicare patient has six doctors and is on five different medications.

I think that different pleasures work for different readers - a friend of mine won't read anything that's not a cardiovascular sort of page-turner. I tend to care less about plot but I'm a sucker for humor and strangeness.

I exercise at home - light cardio and yoga.

When I turned 30 due to my father's heart history and my family genetics I vowed to start seeing a cardiologist every year and just really be proactive and take my own heart health into my own hands.

I do a one-hour workout called Drenched a cardio-boxing fitness routine Monday through Friday. There are usually between twenty-five and fifty people there - everyone from stay-at-home moms and professional martial artists to teenagers and seniors. They play great dance music. When I can I take two classes back-to-back.

I have had cardiomyopathy which is a non-coronary condition and is in no way related to diet.