Search For capability In Quotes 11

When you look at other countries that are developing the capabilities and the technology to deploy missiles of very significant destructive capability with nuclear chemical or biological warheads then the MAD dogma makes even less sense.

Don't let that weapon technology proliferate. Don't let Saddam Hussein get capability for nuclear or chemical weapons because he's already shown a willingness to use any weapon at his disposal.

I think Madonna has a great deal of intelligence and capability. I have a lot of respect for her. She's taken her career and maximized it with intelligence and creativity.

I strongly support the call to greatly expand our human intelligence capability to penetrate al Qaeda and gather critical intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks on our homeland.

I really think that there was a great advantage in many ways to being a woman. I think we are a lot better at personal relationships and then have the capability obviously of telling it like it is when it's necessary.

It is unclear exactly how many law enforcement agencies are currently using this capability but it is reasonable to say that while resource limitations used to discourage the government from tracking you without a good reason these constraints have largely disappeared.

Sometime in the future - 25 50 75 years hence - what will the situation be like then? By that time the Chinese will have the capability of delivery too.

China in the future is going to have even more nuclear capability than it has had in the past. I don't believe that they have anything to fear from the United States and I frankly don't believe they do fear the United States.

I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong powerful beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.