Search For broaden In Quotes 19

If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you you have not found your place.

You must learn day by day year by year to broaden your horizon. The more things you love the more you are interested in the more you enjoy the more you are indignant about the more you have left when anything happens.

Too often travel instead of broadening the mind merely lengthens the conversation.

Travel instead of broadening the mind often merely lengthens the conversation.

Not only does travel give us a new system of reckoning it also brings to the fore unknown aspects of our own self. Our consciousness being broadened and enriched we shall judge ourselves more correctly.

Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation and travel so broadening at first contracts the mind.

Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.

There are tens of thousands of interactions every single day across Afghanistan between the Afghan troops and International Security Assistance Force. On most of those every single day we continue to deepen and broaden the relationship we seek.

Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.

I know that military alliances and armament have been the reliance for peace for centuries but they do not produce peace and when war comes as it inevitably does under such conditions these armaments and alliances but intensify and broaden the conflict.