Search For beats In Quotes 18

A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.

Nothing beats a great smile.

Biology always beats will power.

From my music training I knew that some Spanish rhythms apart 5/4 is a time signature used only in the modern era. Holst's Mars from the Planets is 5/4. But if you speak lines of poetry in that pattern you just end up hitting the off-beats. It's only when you add a rest - a sixth beat - that it sounds as it surely should sound.

America beats on you so hard the whole time. You are constantly being pummeled by other people's rights and their sense of patriotism.

A lot of the music that you listen to now is because of the things that the Meters did the Neville Brothers did and they're there the guys who invented those beats that the guys sample today. Such an enormous opportunity.

My father used to sing to me in my mother's womb. I think I can name about any tune in two beats.

When it comes to true humility in the face of history nothing beats complete silence.

I'm no politician. I'm an historian who has learned through a lifetime of studying that nothing in the world beats universal education.

TRUE a little learning is a dangerous thing but it still beats total ignorance.