Search For beatles In Quotes 18

We were pretty good mates until the Beatles started to split up and Yoko came into it. It was more like old army buddies splitting up on account of wedding bells.

What the Beatles did was something incredible it was more than what a band could do. We have to give them respect.

And it was a very very fruitful and great relationship between the Stones and The Beatles. It was very very friendly.

I didn't know much about him and I wasn't a big country music fan. I listened to the Beatles and David Bowie so I didn't know a lot about him.

I heard the Beatles and the Stones and Mom bought me an electric guitar. I played lead for four years and then switched to bass. One day someone suggested that I should sing so I sheepishly stepped up to the microphone and the rest is rock history.

My mom listened to the Beatles and Elvis a lot of different types of music.

I do remember actually learning chords to Beatles songs. I thought they were great songwriters.

But in my imagination this whole thing developed and I started mixing up old folk songs with the Beatles beat and taking them down to Greenwich Village and playing them for the people there.

I love the Beatles. I haven't named any kids after them but I still really love them. They were the first group that I was ever properly aware of. In my early teens I would sometimes stay in and listen to the radio all day in the hope that I would catch a song by them that I'd never heard before and be able to tape it on my radio-cassette player.

There are a lot of famous comedians from Liverpool then obviously the Beatles and the football club. That's what people in Liverpool are passionate about.