Search For basketball In Quotes 67

I'm not comfortable being preachy but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.

When I lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player it's time for me to move away from the game.

Whatever I lack in size and strength and speed I kind of make up for in being grittier. When it comes to something like basketball I'm definitely not the best guy on the court but I love elbowing and pushing people out or boxing them out.

I'm a big sports guy - golf tennis baseball basketball snowboarding - and I love games.

As all of us with any involvement in sports knows no two umpires or no two referees have the same strike zone or call the same kind of a basketball game.

I'm a huge huge sports fan and Marquette basketball is my No. 1 thing.

I started playing baseball and soccer. Those were my sports on the streets and in school when I was growing up. I didn't even start playing basketball until I was 14.

One reason outfielders don't have stronger arms might be they don't practice as much as we did. Most teams today don't take outfield practice. Another reason is baseball has to compete with other sports now - basketball football soccer - for the better athletes that might have more skills and stronger arms.

I think we have our sports within our own culture that are huge with baseball football basketball and hockey. Those are the sports in America that we grow up with and soccer isn't really there yet.

I also developed an interest in sports and played in informal games at a nearby school yard where the neighborhood children met to play touch football baseball basketball and occasionally ice hockey.