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I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me.

To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.

I cooked at the White House for Easter last year with Michelle Obama. But it more had to do with cooking from the organic garden and her message. I took my daughter and granddaughter there and they were really charming it was great.

I've taught fifth-year Christmas leavers last thing on a Friday afternoon. Basically if you can face that you can face anything.

When I was five my parents bought me a ukulele for Christmas. I quickly learned how to play it with my father's guidance. Thereafter my father regularly taught me all the good old fashioned songs.

Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip.

Football taught me how hard you had to work to achieve something.

I wouldn't want my daughters to date a guy like me. I was dangerous around women in my twenties. I'm terrified that they might end up with someone like me.

With over 3 million women battling breast cancer today everywhere you turn there is a mother daughter sister or friend who has been affected by breast cancer.

Bias has to be taught. If you hear your parents downgrading women or people of different backgrounds why you are going to do that.