Search For asleep In Quotes 27

Success - keeping your mind awake and your desire asleep.

This is the pain pacemaker. I've got a battery under my skin. From that battery are two electrodes that go into the spine where they cut bone away to accommodate it. Now I put on the power here. If I have the pain the stimulator starts. It's tingling like when your foot falls asleep you know?

When I was younger I felt it was my duty to wake people up. I thought poetry was asleep. I thought rock 'n' roll was asleep.

True enough nature has endowed me with a fair measure of patience and composure yet I should be lying if I told you that having seen the reporter off on his way to make his deadline I fell peacefully asleep.

Always kiss your children goodnight even if they're already asleep.

I don't like to watch my own movies - I fall asleep in my own movies.

I was half asleep lying there writing this lyric in my head at about 3:30 in the morning. I woke Steve up with this idea and then we went into the living room where there was a little upright piano and finished the song. I wonder where that piano is now?

To get rich you have to be making money while you're asleep.

So fall asleep love loved by me... for I know love I am loved by thee.

Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.

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I ain't scared to do another dating show but I ain't really trying to. I want to do a talk show or something. I've done enough dating on television. I'm ready to spread my wings and go down other avenues.