Search For arises In Quotes 19

Dr. Johnson has said that the chief glory of a country arises from its authors. But then that is only as they are oracles of wisdom unless they teach virtue they are more worthy of a halter than of the laurel.

Each particular society begins to feel its strength whence arises a state of war between different nations.

A brain is a society of very small simple modules that cannot be said to be thinking that are not smart in themselves. But when you have a network of them together out of that arises a kind of smartness.

True character arises from a deeper well than religion.

Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then allowing it to fall.

I have no consistency except in politics and that probably arises from my indifference to the subject altogether.

A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.

Green is the prime color of the world and that from which its loveliness arises.

Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects because men are equally free they claim to be absolutely equal.

Against the State against the Church against the silence of the medical profession against the whole machinery of dead institutions of the past the woman of today arises.