Search For apologize In Quotes 18

America's finest - our men and women in uniform are a force for good throughout the world and that is nothing to apologize for.

I never apologize for the truth. And the truth here is that racists come in many different colors.

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so you apologize for the truth.

If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean he has nothing I will apologize to the nation and I will not trust the Bush administration again.

I have to express sympathy from the bottom of my heart to those people who were taken as wartime comfort women. As a human being I would like to express my sympathies and also as prime minister of Japan I need to apologize to them.

I apologize for being obvious but every time I watch the curtain come down on even a halfway decent production of a Shakespeare play I feel a little sorrowful that I'll never know the man or any man of such warm intelligence.

I'm going home now. I apologize for what I said. I hope you can forget it but I'm going home right now.

To apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offense.

Do you want me to apologize after every joke? If it doesn't offend somebody it's probably not a joke. It's probably an observation that's not funny. It's gotta offend somebody somewhere.

Watching President Obama apologize last week for America's arrogance - before a French audience that owes its freedom to the sacrifices of Americans - helped convince me that he has a deep-seated antipathy toward American values and traditions.