Search For achieving In Quotes 37

You need to know what makes artists tick. Having been through the process myself as a musician since I was an early teen gave me an advantage - understanding them from their point of view because it's about them it's not about you - it's their vision and what they're capable of achieving and you're the conduit.

The delusions of self-love cannot be prevented but intellectual misconceptions as to the means of achieving success may be corrected.

I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that for you to gain those you deal with should gain as well.

Think of success as a game of chance in which you have control over the odds. As you begin to master concepts in personal achievement you are increasing your odds of achieving success.

Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort.

I think life is sort of like a competition whether it's in sports or it's achieving in school or it's achieving good relationships with people. And competition is a little bit of what it's all about.

Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds. Athletes in times of difficulty can be important role models.

Since achieving their independence in 1992 the people of Croatia have built a democratic society based on the rule of law respect for human rights and a free market economy.

The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.

Nobody under the sun was like Madonna. She was positive and clear and wholly dedicated to achieving everything that she's achieved.